Monday, January 21, 2013

A Day in the Life of a Stay At Home Dog Mom

I love "bonus" days! Today was nothing but laundry, little piddly projects, and quality time with my furry babies. Since David had a teacher workday, it was me and the girls. I promptly turned it into pajama project day and did a little "love-ly" decorating:

I also worked on a little baking project, but the frosting process isn't complete so I'll post those pics when it's all done.
I recently turned the built in desk in the kitchen into my baking station--love!
I hope you had a bonus day as "lovely" as mine! :)


  1. Jill-I love your Valentines! Where did you get the cute dishes??

    1. The were a gift from a sweet student a few years back! :)
