Saturday, July 20, 2013

To Clip or Not to Clip, That is the Question...

So, let's talk classroom management for a minute, please.

I have used a clip chart for years and years in my classroom. It's been the "traditional" kind, where students start at the top every day and clip down if there's a problem that a reminder or redirection couldn't resolve. I have not had kids "clip back up" because that seems a little wishy-washy to me and I think there should be some consequence for uncorrected behavior---and if you know me, you KNOW I emphasize the positive and usually redirect several times BEFORE going to the negative.

Also, I use sticker charts for positive behavior and "catching them being good". All kids can fill up their sticker charts all the time, regardless of where there clip is. This can help get them back on track and keeping their clip down allows me to track their behavior and easily communicate with parents. They color in the corresponding color daily for their parents to see to go with their clip and I write a quick note to let parents know if they clipped down and why. On Fridays, kids that filled up a sticker chart get to enjoy a Friday Reward ( usually 10-15 minutes of a game or toy of their choice or some other inexpensive fun that they choose). It may take some students a little longer to fill up their sticker chart, but they all have an equal chance. Staying at the top of the clip chart earns a sticker, too. Kids that are still working on filling up their sticker chart may choose to read, write, or even punishment! :)

As I'm writing this, I'm finding that I still think this is a good system, but I wonder about displaying the clip chart for all to see. Would it have the same impact if I hung the clip chart inside a cabinet? I want students to have some privacy and not be embarrassed or humiliated. But, even if the chart is inside a cabinet, the other students will still know when someone is moving their clip. The LAST thing I want to do is EVER hurt or shame one of my sweet babies. I believe in accountability, consequences, praise, modeling intrinsic motivation, and tapping into great behavior choices with extrinsic motivation, too.

I would love feedback from the teacher and parent perspective, please.

Teachers-if you DON'T use a similar system, how do you track behavior so that you accurately reflect that behavior on report cards and communicate effectively with parents?

Parents-what has your experience been with this type of system and what do you WISH you could see in your child's classroom? Do you think it motivates or harms your kids?

Please be gentle...I really do want what is best for kids and am looking for helpful, constructive feedback to help me reflect and prepare for a great year with my sweet, first graders!

Thanks!!! -Jill :)


Thursday, July 11, 2013

What's On My Happy List...

O.K.---I know I need to post a Disney Days recap and I will, but I can't resist sharing this:

I've been working quite a bit in my new classroom and can't wait to post a before and after. I love blog stalking classroom set ups. It's exciting to get the honor of setting up a new room and using all the wonderful ideas I've collected over the years, so stay tuned! :)