Monday, November 26, 2012

95% is Still an A, Right?

95% was the percentage that the radiologist used to predict that the "small mass" they found today was NOT cancer. So, it's 95% likely that it's a fatty deposit sitting there like a shiny, ugly pearl among the many, many clear cysts. Even I could see the difference, well, once it was pointed out to me, of course. The cysts are nice and round and clear. The "mass"(I think it needs a nickname...any suggestions?) was not so round, white, and a little angry looking-but that could be my imagination.

So, on Wednesday, I go back for an Ultrasound Guided Core Biopsy. Scary enough for you? Yeah, me, too.

Honestly though, I'm kind of at peace with it. Chances are, it's nothing at all but a minor inconvenience and this will all be over when I get the results on Friday. And if it's more than that, it's teeny tiny (less than 1cm), so that's got to be good, right?

I appreciate all well wishes and prayers. I'm 100% sure that I can use them!


  1. Happy Birthday and this sounds very positive!

    1. Thanks, Chelsea! Today's appointment was encouraging to me, too. The radiologist was very patient and made sure I had every question answered. I wish they could have scheduled it for tomorrow...waiting is hard! :)

  2. I have total faith that you will get the results you seek! I am sure Wednesday will go well. Please let me know if you need anything!
