Thursday, November 29, 2012

I'm in the Clear!

When the nurse called me just a few minutes ago, I really thought she was just checking on how my biopsy was healing. Then she said the magic words, "There is no cancer." I'm not really sure I heard what she said after that....just a bunch of words: "fibroid tumor....more frequent scans....see you in six months...."
Hooray! Thank you (whoever might be reading) for all your positive thoughts and prayers on my behalf.
Once the last twinges of pain subside and the steri strips come off, I can put this in the past and keep on keepin' on. NOW it feels like Christmas is coming!
I may actually become one of those nutty people that hounds others about mammograms now. You know, the kind of people I ignored? Honestly, with what I've got going on upstairs I always assumed I would know if there was any lump of any kind. Just goes to show, you don't know what you don't know.

I've got some fun blogging to catch up on. Like a 50th birthday surprise I threw for my sweet husband and an upcoming girls' weekend shopping trip. Fun times ahead and clear sailing! Whew!!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

And the Waiting Continues...

So, the needle biopsy is done. How was it, you ask? Well, I would say that it was easier than expected...about the same category as having a crown put on your back molar. If you can get past the initial shots and hold still, while keeping your emotions in check, then it's done before you know it. I was told I "sailed through" and I'm just glad it's over. I came home and slept a little. Tylenol is definitely my friend! I'll hear results on Friday. They wanted me to come back in to get results in person, but I can't handle a third doctor's appointment this week. I talked them into calling me with results. I mean, it's either over or they'll refer me on to another doctor, right? I can hear that over the phone. Until then all I have to do is:

Monday, November 26, 2012

95% is Still an A, Right?

95% was the percentage that the radiologist used to predict that the "small mass" they found today was NOT cancer. So, it's 95% likely that it's a fatty deposit sitting there like a shiny, ugly pearl among the many, many clear cysts. Even I could see the difference, well, once it was pointed out to me, of course. The cysts are nice and round and clear. The "mass"(I think it needs a nickname...any suggestions?) was not so round, white, and a little angry looking-but that could be my imagination.

So, on Wednesday, I go back for an Ultrasound Guided Core Biopsy. Scary enough for you? Yeah, me, too.

Honestly though, I'm kind of at peace with it. Chances are, it's nothing at all but a minor inconvenience and this will all be over when I get the results on Friday. And if it's more than that, it's teeny tiny (less than 1cm), so that's got to be good, right?

I appreciate all well wishes and prayers. I'm 100% sure that I can use them!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

One Foot in Front of the Other

So, my resolve went out the window...I Googled every word that was given to me when I was told to schedule the diagnostic mammogram. And I'm reading some blogs that I probably shouldn't right now. Blogs that make me imagine the worst case scenario.

I have this habit of trying to visualize situations before they happen. I think I feel like if I know what's coming, I can somehow control it. I do it with vacations, holidays, scary situations, happy situations. Maybe it's normal, or in the words of Dr. Keith Ablow, maybe I'm nuts.

Why does our mind go immediately to the negative? From what I've read from Dr. Google (as one witty blogger calls my latest obsession), the chances are high that they will take a few more pictures on Monday, say everything is fine and send me on my merry way....please!

The truth is, one way or another, everything WILL be fine. I have family, friends, and positive thoughts on my side. :)

I have spent all day trying not to think about it and was able to have a wonderful day with my family. I have a fun weekend ahead celebrating my husband's 50th birthday. I don't want to worry the good times away with possibilities that will probably never happen, right?

New resolve, focus on fun and the many blessings in my life. Monday will come and go...I'll deal with it then. In the words of Scarlett O'Hara, "After all, tomorrow is another day."

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Time to be Thankful...and Mildly Concerned?

This weekend, I got to spend a fabulous girls only trip with my best friend. It was a wonderful time to relax and re-energize. So thankful for that time!

On the way home, however, I got a call that no one wants to get. It was my "girly" doctor's office telling me that my mammogram came back with "areas of concern" and that I needed to schedule a diagnostic mammogram. Yikes! Out of the blue, no family history, no indications of problems, deep, dark blue....

When I asked for a little more clarification, I was told there was "dense tissue" and " an asymmetrical abnormality". So I am scheduled for the diagnostic mammogram on Monday...which just so happens to be my birthday. Hopefully, nice clear scans will make for a VERY happy birthday!

I will spend this weekend trying not to think about it, not Google too much, and being extremely thankful for this happy holiday time with my sweet husband, family, and good friends. Your positive thoughts and prayers are appreciated! Count those blessings.....happy Thanksgiving! :)


Friday, November 16, 2012

Crazy Dog Lady

That's what I got called today...crazy dog lady. Well, my dogs DO have their own hot pink room and I DO dress them up for Halloween, so maybe I am. :)


Hmm...if I had shared a picture of my 3 kids would I have been called a crazy kid lady? Ha! Oh, well...these babies are 3 of my favorite blessings.

I've been called worse...