Today, I caught the tail end of a conversation that implied that people without children should take on more of the workload at school because "they don't have anything else to do". While it was said by a very sweet young parent who I KNOW must be overwhelmed by their new balancing act of home vs. teaching, it made me momentarily sad. Well, actually, it stuck with me the rest of the day.
My first reaction is to defend my time as being as valuable as someone who gets to go home and rock babies. But, they don't stay babies for long and they SHOULD be given as much time possible. I envy those baby rocking moments...probably as much as a new mom envies my ability to sit in my quiet house and have a glass of wine when I choose to do so.
Life is all about choices and trade offs. As much as I didn't choose this path completely, I have to recognize the positive and the negative...that's the balance in life. I DO try and take on extra activities with my babies at school because I DO have the time...and I love them! But I also have a family and a life outside of school. I've chosen to make my school babies MY babies. I hope it makes me a better teacher and person.
In my momentary funk, I Googled "family of two" for some inspirational words...and boy, did I get them:
"It's difficult to know why life transpires the way it does, whether we encounter infertility, divorce, job loss, a spouse's death, or any number of other troubles. But as Christians, we know the Lord—the ultimate Parent—has designed a special path for each of us. Some doors we open along that journey might bring joy while others bring disappointment, yet we know "God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose" (Romans 8:28, NASB). "
Just what I needed today! :)