Ah, fall! Sharpened pencils, new school clothes, fresh beginnings, and back to school!!! Ok...so, it's not quite fall, really. Not in Texas, anyway, but it IS back to school time and I am so excited...again!
I am blessed to be starting my 20th year of this adventure and since I'm going back to first grade after a four year stint serving in a specialist role, I am completely refreshed and ready to get started! Well, almost ready. We're never really completely ready. Teaching is always a work in progress. However, after spending the summer leisurely moving in and decorating, I'm ready to do a classroom tour!
Let's start with the "before":
Actually, my new teammates had been using it for storage, but they graciously cleaned it out, I cleaned out the cabinets with their help, and started moving in...in MAY! Yep, I had all summer and got to take my time. Teacher friends...can I get a WOO! ? :)
Drumroll, please....
The view as you walk in:
I chose red and white polka dot to accent my love of Disney and my theme, "Kersh's Kids"!!!
The Birthday Chair that my dad painted and I helped him polka dot:
Our math tubs with the most awesome Ikea rug:
The student cubbies, to the right of the door:
The bathroom door, where I am putting our guiding questions as a way of displaying our objectives:
The classroom library/reading center:
I organize these books by genre and interests. I do have leveled books by the small group table. I do a hybrid of Daily 5 and Debbie Diller's Workstations. It's all based on student choice and using evidence to show practice and learning...and it's FUN!!!
More centers:
The Workshop board:
My little corner with small group table. I kept my desk, but use the horseshoe table most of all during the day, as we do Reading, Math, and Writer's Workshops.
Each bin will hold materials for the reading groups. The green drawers under my desk will house math group materials.
My babies:
I was so excited to find the pennant banner in Canton. The black is chalkboard and I bought enough of each color that I can change the pattern if I want.
At the end of each group of desks, I've placed a shelf from Target with the students' browsing baskets to keep their leveled books from small group. The three drawer units hold more center supplies.
The front left corner:
One of my favorite things...the ceiling tiles I painted:
Our Share Chair! This doubles as the Big Books center:
Well, there you have it! I think I am in love with my sweet little corner room. Now all I need is some lesson plans and some sweet new babies!
Happy Back to School! Make it a great year!